Saturday, 13 October 2007

Dundee, 2007

After a couple of months, It's time to give an update to this blog.

The nontrivial things:
- I'm graduated, and titled as a software engineer, at last. Yahoo!
- I've started studying the course MSc Computer Games Technology, at University of Abertay Dundee. With my friends Kaya and Umut. Indeed, Umut is doing Smart Systems.

This means I'll tend to post CGT-related stuff, here.

Just to keep the rituel in the first post, this is my new working desk @The Hub, Dundee, Scotland:

Kimden Other

I just remembered why I'm using blogspot. Because it was ten times faster than wordpress. My other blog, which is in Turkish and is hosted on wordpress, is too damn painy to update. Thanks to those bulky AJAX stuff.


damla demirtaş said...

Türkçe blog da istiyoruz! Wordpress hala yasaklı buralarda :(

Kaya Oğuz said...

two years ago blogger was the slowest... i don't know what happened, it's either we (or they) have faster connections now or they have improved the code...

Görkem PAÇACI said...

I think it caused a shift in time and space, when google bought blogger. That's why :)